(From the Text Book of Science for Class VIII of Maharshi Vidya Mandir Schools Group)

Page No.54

1. What are natural resources? Give some examples.
Ans. - The things that we obtain from nature are called natural resources.
    Examples of some natural resources are air, water, soil, minerals, wood, sunlight etc.
2. Name some natural resources that we use to produce energy.
Ans. - some natural resources that we use to produce energy are air, water, soil, minerals, wood and sunlight.
3. How many types are the natural resources broadly classified into based on their availability? What are they?
Ans. - Based on their availability, the natural resources are broadly classified into two types.
    They are -
         (i) Renewable or Inexhaustible Natural Resources. and
        (ii) Non-renewable or Exhaustible Natural Resources.
4. Give some examples of Renewable or Inexhaustible source of Energy.
Ans. - Some examples of Renewable or Inexhaustible source of Energy are Solar Energy, Hydro power Energy, Biomass Energy, Wind Energy and Geothermal Energy.
5. Give some examples of Non-renewable or Exhaustible source of Energy.
Ans. - Some examples of Non-renewable or Exhaustible source of Energy are Coal, Fossil Fuel Oil, Nuclear energy and Natural Gas.
6. What are called Renewable or Inexhaustible source of Energy? Give examples.
Ans. - The resources that are available in unlimited quantity in nature and can be regenerated by nature periodically are called Renewable or Inexhaustible source of Energy.
    For example air, water and sunlight.
7. What are called Non-renewable or Exhaustible source of Energy? Give examples.
Ans. - The resources that are available in limited quantity in nature and can’t be regenerated fast by nature are called Non-renewable or Exhaustible source of Energy.
    For example coal, petroleum, natural gas.
                                                                       (Satyajeet Saikia, 9859577331)                                                     


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