What are antioxidants?

 Q. What are antioxidants?

Ans. Antioxidants are substances that prevent rancidity.

Q. What is rancidity? Why do the chips manufacturers usually flush bags of chips with nitrogen?

Ans. Rancidity is the condition in which food materials containing oil and fats get oxidised when they are exposed to air. In such condition, they become rancid and their smell, taste, and colour change.

In order to prevent the chips getting oxidised, the chips manufacturers usually flush bags of chips with nitrogen.

Q. Name the gas that the chips manufacturers usually flush bags of chips.

Ans. Nitrogen

Q. Write an use of nitrogen gas as an antioxidant.

Ans. Nitrogen gas is used as antioxidant in the bags of chips. In order to prevent oxidation of the chips and become rancid, they are flushed with nitrogen gas.

Q. Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen. Why?

Ans. Nitrogen gas is used as antioxidant. In order to prevent oxidation of food items containing oil and fat and become rancid, they are flushed with nitrogen gas.

Q. Write two methods to prevent rancidity.

Ans. Two methods to prevent rancidity are -

(i) keeping food materials in air tight containers.

(ii) By packing food items containing fat and oil adding antioxidants such as nitrogen gas.


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