What is HTML?

HTML, the basic language used to create web pages, stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.  An HTML document is a text file that can be created in any text editor (like Notepad2, Notepad etc.) and has to be saved with the extension .html or .htm. When an HTML document is opened in a web browser, the browser displays the document in the form of a web page. An HTML document (a file with extension .html or .htm) contains a number of tags.
A tag is a special word enclosed within angular brackets (< and >) which conveys some message to the browser. This message may be regarding the structure of the web page or formatting the contents of the web page. Accordingly the tags are called structural tags or formatting tags respectively. Examples of structural tags are  <HTML>, <BODY>, <HEAD> and  Examples of formatting tags are <B>, <BR>, <HR>, <IMG>


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