Voice Change (The Case for the Defance)

Active to Passive
1. They are building a house on the hill.
Ans. A house is being built on the hill.
2. They are widening the road in front of my house.
Ans. The road, in front of house, is being widened by them.
3. Is anyone serving you?
Ans. Are you served someone?
(Hint - Someone is serving you. "Someone'' is used as exception in the answer)
4. I have insured my car with the National Insurance Company.
Ans. My car has been insured with the National Insurance Company (by me).
5. The children have noticed that all the chocolates have been removed from the kitchen.
Ans. That all the chocolates have been removed from the kitchen has been noticed by the children.
Passive to Active
1. Ut was a case where the old woman was found battered to death.
Ans - It was a case where they found the old woman battered to death.
2. Mr Wheeler was wakened by a noise.
Ans. A noise wakened Mr Wheeler.
3. Adams was seen by another witness in Laurel Avenue.
Ans. Another witness saw Adams in Laurel Avenue.
4. After the formal evidence had been given by the policeman and the surgeon, Mrs Salmon was called.
Ans. He called Mrs. Salmon after the policeman and the surgeon had given the formal evidence.
5. And so, the man was acquitted for lack of evidence.
Ans. And so, they acquitted the man for lack of confidence.


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