Q&A on Letter Writing

Answer the folowing questions
1. A personal letter has generally -

2. You are going to write to a private sector organisation. It is a -

............... 4. Business letters produce immediate effect because they are -
a. formal    b. informal   c. brief   d. interesting
Ans. b. informal
5. Letters that please the receiver are called -
a. good-news letter  b. invitation letter   c. "yes" letter   d. routine letter
Ans. a. good-news letters
6. The purpose of a "no" response letter is to leave the reader with -
a.  minimum disappointment  b. unpleasant feelings  c. no future hope d. reasons for the rejection of the request
Ans. a.  minimum disappointment
7. Form letters a re also known as -
a. formal letters   b. persuasive sales letters c. ters  d. bad news letters
8. A memorandum (memo) is considered a brief form of written communication for -
a. internal use  b. legal use   c. formal use   d. external use
Ans. a. internal use
10. Simplicity in writing means essentially -
a. the use of simple tense  b. the use of simple words   c. the use of simple sentences  d. plainness
Ans. d. plainness
11. Good business letters are characterized by the following personal quality of the writer -
a. sincerity   b. seriousness   c. formality   d. humour
Ans. a. sincerity
12. The simplified style business letter has -
a. a subject line  b. a complimentary close  c. a salutation   d. indentation
Ans. a. a subject line
13. Modern business letters are usually written in -
a. semi-block style b. indented style c. full-block style d. simplified style
Ans. c. full-block style


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