(From the Text Book of Science for Class VIII of Maharshi Vidya Mandir Schools Group)

Page No. 55

8. Classify the given resources in the box into natural resources and man-made resources.
    chalk, chair, sunlight, water, metals, plaster, cloth, trees, animals, paper, wind and soil.

Ans. -  Natural resources    Man-made resources
                   sunlight                       chalk
                   water                           chair
                   trees                            metals
                   animals                       plaster
                   wind                           cloth
                   soil                             paper
9. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas are called fossil fuels?
Ans. - Coal, petroleum, natural gas are called fossil fuels because they are formed by the process called Fossilization of living organisms.
10. What are Fossils?
Ans. - Fossils are remains of plants and animals trapped between layers of rocks.
11. What is coal and what is it chemically?
Ans. - Coal is black coloured solid substance dug out from coalmines.
    Chemically, it is a mixture of carbon, carbon components, hydrogen, oxygen, sulpher and water vapour.
12. What is called peat?
Ans. - Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation or organic matter that is unique to natural areas called peatland.
13. How is peat formed?
Ans. - Millions of years ago, the earth had dense forests in low lying areas. They were buried under the earth owing to some natural phenomenon like flooding, earthquakes etc. and got fossilized in the course of time. A combination of heat, pressure and bacterial action gradually converted these buried remains into spongy brown materials called peat.
14. How is lignite formed?
Ans. - Millions of years ago, the earth had dense forests in low lying areas. They were buried under the earth owing to some natural phenomenon like flooding, earthquakes etc. and got fossilized in the course of time. A combination of heat, pressure and bacterial action gradually converted these buried remains into spongy brown materials called peat then lignite.
15. How is coal formed?
Ans. - Coal is formed by the slow process called carbonization. In this process, dead vegetation gets converted into coal due to heat, pressure and bacterial action under the earth.
16. Say true or false.

    Coal is mainly used to produce electricity.

Ans. - False
16. What is called carbonization?
Ans. - The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal under earth is called carbonization.
17. What does coal provide on burning?
Ans. - On burning, coal provides heat and light.
18. The process in which a complex material containing compounds of carbon is heated in the absence of air to decompose it into simple substance is called
    (i)    destructive distillation
    (ii)    constructive distillation
    (iii)    fractional distillation
    (iv)    none of these
Ans. - (i)    destructive distillation
19. What is called destructive distillation of coal?
Ans. - Heating of coal, in the absence of air is called its destructive distillation.
20. What are formed in the process called destructive distillation?
Ans. - Coal tar, coke and coal gas are produced in the process called destructive distillation.
                             (Satyajeet Saikia, Guwahati, 908 556677 9)


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