Issues of learning English in a multi-lingual/multi-cultural society.

Q. Issues of learning English in a multi-lingual/multi-cultural society. Ans. A multilingual/multicultural society is one with a mix of people from various cultural groups that speak different languages. In a multi-lingual/multi-cultural country like India, where very few people speak English as their mother tongue, and the majority of the people learn English as their second or third language, there exists certain issues in learning the language i.e. English. Some of such issues are as follows. i. In a class for learning a second language, a teacher has to choose materials that match the linguistic and cognitive levels of children. Serious problems may arise, If children do not understand the basic meaning of the text they are studying. They may loose interest in learning the language because of hard vocabulary or grammar. Preparing materials that may meet such issues itself becomes very much challenging for a teacher in a classroom of a multilingual/multi-cu...